Ten Years Gone

Posted Fri, 01/01/16

My blog Irish Eyes has reached its 10th anniversary, a milestone I never imagined when I began writing posts in 2006. While plenty of bad stuff has occurred in my life over the past decade, there has also been some good "stuff." Rather than focusing on the negative aspects (as evidenced in my blog post Rolling Downhill), I'm determined to place emphasis on the positive in the new year of 2016.

Irish Eyes - 10th Anniversary!

To that end, I'm looking back on ONLY THE GOOD . . .

2006: What actually goes on when I'm immersed in writing, Foofer and Rainee get their yearly vaccinations (with photos), Mum and Dad visit me in Spokane (with photos), Wilbert and I go to church (with photos) and Kiki arrives (with photos).

2007: Writing and handling money, writer's block, reading Alison Weir, Wilbert gets recognized, visit from Mum, new refrigerator (with photos), my thoughts on men, boxes and moving (photo), paperback exchange, bits about my first husband and writing inspiration.

2008: Writing and tests, pics of my girls, Rainee and Kiki have it out, Mum on film, author quotes, work space, web design official, dating and the disingenuous, RIP Rocky (with photos), reading Marilyn Harris, matters of respect, hissy fits and sleep patterns.

2009: Writing and spreadsheets, photo editors, beautiful babies, writing and retreating and new year's eve.

2010: Writing poetry, reading Dorothy Daniels, backyard deer (with photos), kindly weatherman, radio mysteries, battleship editing, Rainee gets groomed (with photos), hearing 100%, musing web design, first publishing contract, Nom de Plume (Deidre Dalton), writing rape and more publishing contracts.

2011 (lots of publishing!): More battleship editing, loving stormy art, telly and twilight, passion cover, writing threads, collective obsessions complete!, dancing a double jig, gothic writing, self-publishing pros & cons, Celtic Remnants unleashed, short tales, scribbling, mind sweeper, drunken writers, Quixotic Crossings, culinary goodies, gallery of books, collective as one, dreams of Glinhaven and TV Tudors.

2012: Celtic Remnants (radio interview), The Twain Shall Meet, meet Mike Sullivan, Wilbert, Foofer & Rainee (with photos), character POV's, pen stroke @ noon (Bloodfrost), Bloodline Trilogy, stormy crabs, edit modes, Bloodfrost revealed, traditional publishing or not, release of Enthrallment, In the Shadow of the King, cover evolution, Kobo goodies, night writing, saga writing, editing stages and prep & promotion.

2013: Keeper's Journal released, new collective web, Claude Mondoux, creepy Jack, Bloodfrost covers, my pets in fiction, more self-publishing pros & cons, writing peripherals, Hearts Desires released, unleashing of The Twilight, favorite britcoms, foody reads, Megan's Legacy and trolls.

2014: Advent re-released, working folders, Quixotic re-released and reading binge.

2015: Mum & Me (with photo), lunch out with Mum (with photos), pics and video of Mum, my kids at play (with photos), excerpts, newsletter and works in progress.

Here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016 . . .

Happy New Year!