Busy Stretch
Posted Tue, 05/25/10
It's been busy the last little bit, and will probably remain so for quite awhile.
in the middle of writing a web-site-how-to technical manual to suit the
needs of one of my
web clients.
I barely started throwing it together last week, and already the
document is nearing the fifty-page mark. I try to add visual aids within
the technical text to make it easier for the person on the training end,
which basically means inserting thumbnail shots of various tasks. The
particular processes involve the
Cup HTML Editor, which I'm very familiar with. It also costs less
for the client as opposed to more expensive programs like Microsoft
Expression and Adobe Dreamweaver.
In addition, I just put the finishing touches on an article about American food and culture that will be posted at Food Fare on the first of June. I also got a "wild hair" at the last minute and created a new page with feline recipes, which will include some cute animated graphics. That page will go live the first of the month as well.
And then there is Mind Sweeper. I write by hand late at night, which is a preference for me, and then I input the pages the following afternoon. I looked at my pile an hour ago, and I still have some eighty pages to type into the master text document. Good grief…
When I finally crawl into bed, I try to read for an hour so. I'm currently re-reading The Six Wives of Henry VIII by Alison Weir. I'm enjoying it immensely again, inspired in part by my recent read of The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn, also by Alison Weir.
Other than that, I'm just twiddling my thumbs…
Tags: Books & Reading; Mind Sweeper; Writing