Irish Barbie
Posted Mon, 03/12/07
Here's a red-haired cutie, as Irish Abroad announces:
Meet Irish Barbie!
FINALLY, one of the world's most enduring icons, Barbie, has caught on to the Irish dancing craze and, what a surprise, just in time for St. Patrick's Day!
Her name isn't too original Irish Dance Barbie but she sure looks like a cute colleen in her Irish get-up!
"This red haired lass is ready to impress the crowd with her dancing skills at the next feiseanna, a traditional Irish dance competition that's as colorful and electrifying as her costume," says Mattel, the toy company that creates Barbie.
Shoes are an integral part of the Barbie look, and the new doll is shod to impress with lace-up Irish dance slippers and knee-high socks. Now all she needs is a part in Riverdance!
(Oops scratch that last thought. Barbie looks pretty, but she can't actually jig.)
Irish Dance Barbie is priced at $19.95, and is available in the usual outlets. For more, visit Barbie Collector.
Odd, none of my relatives on the O'Toole side have red hair. We're all pale-skinned for the most part, but the majority of us have dark-to-black hair.
Where on earth do these stereotypes spring from?
Tags: Photos & Other Images
06/29/12: The
Ireland Barbie (pictured at right) is now available for
$29.95. Barbie Collector describes her as follows: "Dia dhuit!
That's how I say hello!" Barbie from Ireland displays her heritage in a
traditional green dress with laced bodice, short white puffy sleeves and
golden trim. Her black shoes with green and golden trim and gorgeous red
hair add the perfect touch that make her seem to have all the luck of
the Irish! Includes "passport," country stickers, Irish setter puppy and