Working Climate

Posted Sat, 01/24/09

I absolutely love the current weather outside my window right now. It's raining and foggy: my perfect writing inspiration. I know most folks prefer the sun and heat, but I detest both. The damp mist has put me into my element, so I've been working steadily on Collective Obsessions with a happy smile on my face.

When I'm on an inspired writing jag I tend to ignore ringing telephones, and calls of nature. After several cups of coffee or tea, I keep telling myself "one more sentence or paragraph" before heading to the loo. There is nothing as pathetic as seeing a grown woman wobble down the hall with legs crossed, getting to the bathroom just in the nick of time.

Today promises more of the same, with heavy fog and rain, so I'm off to work while the happy inspiration continues.

Tags: Collective Obsessions Saga