Quiet Eve

Posted Sat, 12/31/11

My plan is to spend a very quiet New Years Eve. Sci-Fi Channel is running a marathon of the old black-and-white Twilight Zone episodes, a tradition I've come to enjoy and appreciate. Back in Spokane, Wilbert and I loved sitting down to watch the shows every year.

I think my favorite Twilight Zone episode is Night Call, in which an old lady receives strange telephone calls from beyond. According to Wikipedia, the episode was first scheduled to air on Friday, 22 November 1963. Because John F. Kennedy was assassinated the same day, it was rescheduled and finally aired in February 1964.

Aside from making pork eggrolls and ham-fried rice for dinner, I'm taking it easy for the duration of New Years Eve. The break is long overdue.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!