Pet Locker

Posted Sat, 12/26/09

One night about a week ago it was extremely cold, but I still left my window open. Rainee wasn't too happy, so she burrowed under the throws and blankets on my bed.

Rainee bundled-up (12/20/09). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

(Above): Rainee bundled-up. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

And when it was her turn in my room, Kiki was simply miserable. Most cats hate the cold, so Kiki was finding no joy in my room. She huddled in her bed, so I stuffed a red fleece throw into the opening to help keep her warm.

Kiki bundled-up (12/24/09). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

(Above): Kiki bundled-up. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Never let it be said that I don't look after my children.

Tags: Kiki; Photos & Other Images; Rainee