Utter Devastation

Posted Tue, 10/16/07

Monday was perhaps the longest day I've had in a long time.

Last week I noticed Foofer's belly was enlarged again, so I took him to the nearest veterinarian for an exam. I was told there was probably a new mass in Foofer's tummy, along with fluids containing blood. Yesterday morning he was scheduled for an ultrasound, which revealed several tumors rather than just one big one.

I am devastated. There are no words to describe my anguish at the moment, other than to say I tried my damndest to prolong Foofer's life with medical treatment, special vitamin-enriched diets and plenty of natural cancer-fighting remedies. I hope I made a difference in his life span.

The doctor feels Foofer can live anywhere from one day to several months, depending on if or when the tumors burst inside him. If this happens, the end will come fast, perhaps in his sleep. In other words, I will go to bed each night and not know whether I'll see Foofer alive again the next day.

I cannot put him down, so I will continue to make him as comfortable as possible with pain meds along with his favorite foods and snacks.

The hell of it is Foofer shows no outward sign of illness. He is agile, happy and healthy in every other way. He doesn't even act as if he is in pain, and his appetite is as solid as ever.

I am at a mental and physical loss right now, with not much else to say.

Tags: Foofer