Tranquil Fourth

Posted Mon, 07/03/06

It's been miserably hot the last few days, so I haven't left the house much. There's not a breeze to be had, and the sun glares down without a break from the non-existent clouds. Summer is my least favorite season. I can't wait until October comes around the corner.

We have nothing special planned for the Fourth of July holiday because of Wilbert's work schedule, so I intend to stay in the cool of the house and write. It might be nice to barbeque chicken, but I'm not keen on the idea of standing in the blistering sun to cook it. Boiled turkey hotdogs and a chilled green-leaf salad will have to do.

One bit of diversion is the Twilight Zone marathon currently running on the Sci-Fy Channel. I love the old shows. Even if I don't watch all of them, I listen to the sound in the background.