Moving Day Nineteen

Posted Tue, 05/24/16

I spent my childhood and teen years moving from one place to another mostly due to my father's job demands, and then later because of treks related to personal relationships and marriages. Nineteen moves later, I'm at it yet again. I sold my parents' house and signed a lease on a two-bedroom flat in the same vicinity. My intention was to return to the east coast (preferably Maine), but that won't be happening for the time being. Damnit!

However, I do like my new digs. Central air and pet-friendly topped my wish list (granted), but the place also has a built-in washer and dryer, new appliances (stove and refrigerator) and was recently remodeled. Best of all, it's only two steps from my car to the front door of my flat, unlike the hideous stairs in all directions at my parents' house. Because of my dicey hip, lack of climbing is a definite bonus.

Living room in my new flat (05/24/16). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.  Kitchen in my new flat (05/22/16). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Kitchen in my new flat (05/22/16). Click on image to view larger size in a new window. Work station area in my new flat (05/24/16). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Above, top row: The living room and kitchen in my new flat. Bottom row: Kitchen and work station area. Click on images to view larger sizes in a new window.

Rainee and Kiki are slowly adjusting to their new surroundings. Both of them are still a bit tense, but hopefully their nerves - along with mine - will dissipate in a few days.

Last night was the longest I've slept in a month of Sundays (six hours straight, a record for me). However, I've been relegated to the couch again. Kiki has her own "private" room, while Rainee has seen fit to take over my bed. Oh well, as long as my little girls are happy!

Rainee takes over my bed (05/24/16). Click on image to view larger size in a new window. Kiki enjoys breakfast in her "private" room (05/24/16). Click on image to view larger size in a new window. 

(Above, left to right): Rainee takes over my bed while Kiki enjoys breakfast in her "private" room. Click on images to view larger sizes in a new window.

Only one thing unsettling has happened so far. Rainee and I were out on the enclosed porch this morning when a black pit bull stuck it's head over the top of the wall from the grass. Mutual snarling and barking ensued between the two before I was able to get Rainee back inside. Now I take my cane with me onto the porch as a form of defense. If there is a repeat incident, I'll thwack first and ask questions later.

Blog Tags: Photos & Other Images

Tags: Kiki; Photos & Other Images; Rainee