I was born on March 31, 2004 in Kennewick, Washington at 6:46 in the morning. I was the 4th born of eight pups.
My mother's name was Oreo, and she was a Collie/Terrier Mix. My Dad was a Black Lab.
Mummy Oreo was at the Columbia Basin Animal Shelter in Kennewick, and was just two weeks
away from being euthanized when she was taken in by a wonderful foster caretaker named Sara.
Shortly after moving in with Sarah, Oreo gave birth to me and my brothers and sisters.
Above: Me and my brothers & sisters (19 April 2004).
I was adventurous from the very beginning. I love chasing balls, playing tug-of-war and
investigating new sites and smells. I was one of Sarah's favorites because of my sweet nature and the rain-drop
shape on my chest. My paws are also dusted with a salt-and-pepper color, and my eyes are amber-brown.
Because there were so many of us, me and my brothers and sisters were put up for adoption through
Pet Finder and the Spokane Humane Society. Near the end of May 2004, someone from Spokane
requested an adoption application for me, and it was processed by the Columbia Basin Animal Shelter.
Above: Me in late May 2004.
Click on image to view larger size.
On June 2, 2004 I found myself in the back of a truck with my brothers and sisters as we made our way
to Spokane. We had to leave our Mommy Oreo behind, and this made me very sad. My mommy was kind and
beautiful. I whimpered all the way to Spokane, missing her terribly.
I later learned that Mommy moved to Seattle, where she found a good home.
Shortly after arriving in Spokane, I met my new family. I was placed in my new Mommy's arms right from the
dog carrier, and I immediately loved her. I showed my appreciation by relieving myself all over my new mommy.
She immediately gave me a new middle name, so I am now officially Rainee Gabriella.
Above: Me & Foofer on June 2, 2004 (our first meeting).
Imagine my surprise when I discovered I also had a new "brother." Foofer had been a part of my new family
for seven years before I came along, and he was highly curious about me. Not one to be daunted by much of
anything, I wasn't scared by Foofer's immense size nor by his watchful stare. It took me quite awhile, but I
finally managed to win Foofer over with my puppy exuberance and infectious humor.
I fell in love with my new house and yard. I had lots of room to move around and run to my heart's content.
I loved nothing better than sitting in the grass, soaking up the sun and watching Foofer watch me. I got
plenty to eat, and my favorite sleeping spot was on the family couch. I also made good use of my new Mommy's bed,
where I sometimes cuddled close to Foofer (on occasion just to annoy him). I had a lot of toys, some of which
I stole from Foofer. My best toy is a small pink pig with a squeaker, and I managed to chew away one of its ears.

March 31, 2004, in Kennewick,
Full Name:
Rainee Gabriella Alviso
Places I've been to:
Washington, Idaho and
Favorite foods:
Scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, steak, chicken,
turkey, lamb, pepperoni, Cheerios, Little Caesar's gourmet dog
food, Pedigree, Kibbles & Bits, Denta-bones, beef jerky and
rawhide bones.
Foods I dislike:
Lettuce, vinegar chips, soda pop
and anchovies.
Favorite sleeping places:
Mummy's bed, the
living room chair.
Favorite pastimes:
Investigating the backyard, lying in wait for
birds in the backyard and then chasing them down, taking rides
in the car, getting treats at the bank drive-thru window,
running in the snow, playing with my toys, parading around my
empty bowl after dinner, snatching gloves, stockings and
knit-caps; playing “Patty Cake” with mommy, getting my belly
rubbed and snoozing in the afternoon.
Things that scare me:
Long staircases, going to the veterinarian, the
idea that someone might steal my food, getting my nails trimmed,
and loud yelling.
Things that make me mad:
The mailman, UPS trucks and their drivers, the
idea that someone might steal my food (yes twice), and other
dogs or people invading my territory (whether it's in my yard or
in the car).
Being with Mummy and Kiki as one happy family;
getting rub-downs with my towel after walks in the rain,
watching over my bowl so no one steals my food, getting treats
for bringing my empty bowl to the kitchen, and rides in the car.
Kiki Alexandra - feline born on
my birthday in a different year (March 31, 2006).
Favorite TV Channel:
Animal Planet.
Favorite Movies:
Adventures of Milo & Otis and
