About Kiki's Photo Galleries

Kiki's Photo Galleries is a collection of images of Kiki Alexandra, a demonic feline of suspect Bengal-origins. She lives with her half-sister Rainee Gabriella, and their beloved human mother on the North American continent.


Kiki (pronounced kee-kee) was born on March 31, 2006 in Spokane, Washington, USA. She is a Bengal and Siamese cat-mix, with startling blue eyes and white/gray fur coloring. She is small in stature, with a gray-and-white striped tail, white "boots" and several other distinctive markings.


She was abandoned by persons unknown. She was rescued by her human mother on the first day of October 2006 where she has been safe and secure ever since, not to mention spoiled beyond comprehension. To read more about Kiki, click here.


Macromedia Flash Player is needed to view the photo galleries. To download a free copy of the player, click here.


Note: Click on individual images in the galleries to see their actual sizes in a new window.


Enjoy the images. Hopefully, many more will follow in the years to come...


Select year to view Kiki's Galleries:


2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006



Kiki Alexandra




All images ©2006-2016: Deborah O'Toole


Kiki @ Facebook      Furry Friends Cookbook


Homemade Feline Recipes from Kiki!


Want more Kiki? Read her biography by clicking here, or visit her page at Catster.



"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

- Mahatma Gandhi



Kiki's site design by Webs Divine