Irish Eyes by Deborah O'Toole


Sneaky Peek Not

My father does not read online blogs, including mine, so I feel safe posting a picture of my Christmas present to him:


Mermaid Child in Shell from Gael Song


The figurine is called Mermaid Child in Shell and comes from Gael Song in Seattle.


I've always given my father unusual gifts. One year it was a heavy brass sea crab with legs (the shell opened to reveal the ashtray). In 2005 it was solar-powered wind chimes. Both my parents now enjoy the chimes in the evening, which hang above their backyard deck. Another year it was a solar leprechaun from Creative Irish Gifts.


However, if I had gobs of money I would probably order one of everything at Gael Song for myself.


Entry posted Posted Mon, 14 December 2009


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