Sunday Seat-Grippers

Posted Tue, 10/25/11

Last Sunday, I watched a movie called 100 Feet broadcast on the Sci-Fi Channel. The story description goes as follows:

After Marnie Watson kills her abusive husband in self-defense, she is condemned to house arrest only to discover the house is possessed by the enraged and violent spirit of her dead husband.

I'm not usually one for science fiction movies (in particular the beings from outer space genre). However, 100 Feet is a horror film heavily laced with suspense and the supernatural. I was hooked from start to finish, on the edge of my seat more than once. I enjoyed the movie overall, but felt the ending could have been done better. Despite the rather clichéd finish, I'd recommend the movie to anyone.

Afterward, I watched Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula (again on the Sci-Fi Channel). I typically do most of my television movie viewing when I go to bed late at night, so it stands to reason I happen on the creepiest film fare. I also enjoyed the Dracula rendition, which starred Rudolf Martin Peter Weller and Roger Daltrey among others.

Speaking of horror, I plan to watch the Halloween franchise movies next Monday night. AMC is going to run all ten flicks in the series in celebration of Halloween. I think my favorite of the lot is #7, Halloween H20.

On a lighter note, I like to watch Waiting for God every weeknight after I go to bed. The half-hour British sitcom airs on a local PBS channel. An old, cranky woman (played by Stephanie Cole) gripes her way through life in a retirement home. It's actually quite funny, often leaving me with a smile on my face as I drift into sleep.