Canine Clinical Trials

Posted Tue, 07/04/06

We had to rush Foofer to the Animal Medical Clinic last night because he managed to tear out his stitches. His minor operation was a week ago today, so he was just shy of making it past the "healing stage."

We ended up staying at the clinic for more than two hours, waiting while they worked on sedating Foofer and re-doing his stitches. We nipped over to Burger King for fifteen minutes to get drinks and onion rings, and then returned to the clinic. They have a television in the waiting area, so we watched Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune in succession. Thankfully, the clinic is nicely air-conditioned. During a smoke break, we noticed the four big central air units on the side of the building.

We also observed the various pet owners coming in to pick up their animals from medical procedures and/or grooming sessions.

What an interesting lot they were. One lady had a miniature pooch, along with a bounder the size of Foofer (the canine versions of "Mutt and Jeff"). Later, two men came in with a large cardboard box, in which their pet snake was "resting." Apparently the reptile was off its feed and his owners were concerned. Had the creature refused his offerings of live mice?

Another lady had two pug-faced pooches, who took a liking to us for some reason. While the owner paid her bill, the dogs came up to us in the waiting area with wagging tails and wet noses.

Because of the holiday, Foofer's regular physician Dr. Lungo was not available. However, we were quite pleased with the services and compassionate nature of Dr. Randy Tedrow in his absence.

Foofer fell asleep between the kitchen and the living room, still sedated from his experience at the Animal Medical Clinic. He stayed in the same sleeping position for five hours. (07/03/06). Click on image to see larger size in a new window.

Foofer is home now, a bit drugged but hopefully on the way to a full recovery. Unless he tears his stitches out again, that is.

Tags: Foofer; Photos & Other Images