Heat Transcends

Posted Tue, 01/09/07

What a joy. Both Rainee and Kiki are in heat at the same time. How do animal heats differ between dogs and cats? Rainee is visibly mortified and ashamed as if she was living in the Victorian era, while Kiki is unusually friendly and "purrowing" as she writhes on the floor and reaches for the sky. Poor Foofer is confused, naturally, looking back and forth between the two as he tries to decide which tract to take.

Nighttime in our house at the moment is hell, needless to say.

What I have observed in the last few days are female cats are typically reserved but sensual beings during heat, while female dogs are happy-go-lucky normally yet in heat are somehow discomfited and in "Garbo" mode (I vant to be alone, no misspelling). Kiki loves everything right now, while Rainee turns her head and tail down in shame.

Foofer is an opportunist. When he thinks I'm not looking, he sneaks to Rainee. When I stop him with the water-squirt bottle, he looks to Kiki as if she is an alternative.

Is it any wonder I'm sleep-deprived, aside from writing?

Tags: Foofer; Kiki; Rainee